Saturday, January 30, 2010

Back to the Basics

This was a week of getting back to the basics. For me, that's tracking my points, eating right, and going to the gym. It's amazing how these three little things can make all the difference in the world - yet be so difficult to do at times!

On my weight tracker you will see that I lost 6.2 lbs, but my current weight is still the same as it was the last time I posted. Here's what happened - last week I gained 6.2 lbs and then through my dedication this week I took it back off again this week. It was a huge success!!!!

Back to square one!

I started some new things this week to help get back on track. Here's what's new:
  • I go to the gym every weekday morning at 4:30 am - that means I now get up at 4:00 am. I pack my lunch and breakfast the night before and get all my clothes ready. This allows for me to know exactly how many points I'm using for 2/3 of my next day. There have been challenges, but I feel great each day.
  • I now take a vitamin regime each day. I have increased my fiber intake to an extra 4 grams over what I get in my food.I still take my multivitamin, but now I have also added an extra vitamin c as well as a vitamin b complex and vitamin d. I have noticed an increase in my energy level and it helps me get through the day - especially since I have been up since 4:00.
  • I am also trying to use the magazine subscription my brother bought me to Men's Health. There are lots of great tips in there as well as workouts and nutritional information.
  • I bought the "Eat This - Not That" books at Sam's club so that I can make better choices about what I eat, cook, and buy at the store. Great resources - I highly recommend them to anyone trying to be healthier.
  • I'm working on adjusting my attitude and view of this - thanks to my brother. Here's what he said to me: "1st things first. This is it. Commit to losing weight. It is a harsh reality but you have to try. Let's think of it in your terminology. Commit to Christ. You believe in that right? You believe in faith. Well this is having faith in you like God does that you will do this. Thus your mind needs to equate committing to losing weight as strongly as committing to Christ." It was great advice so I'm working on it!

We talked about emotional eating this week - here's some quick bits from the meeting:

  • If you eat because you're bored - engage your mind and hands with a hobby.
  • If you eat because you're stressed - pop a piece of gum. Chewing relieves tension.
  • If you eat because you're angry - call a close friend - it's better to vent then to stuff.
  • If you eat because you're anxious - take deep breath's instead - it eases nervousness.
  • If you eat because you're sad - get out and move - it stimulates endorphins.
  • If you eat because you're happy - celebrations are good, but think ahead to control what you choose to eat.
So, that was our meeting this week - good information, especially since I tend to be an emotional eat.

Now on to the weekend and I need to remember to get active and move - Lisa has a wedding today where the ballroom is upstairs so I say bring on those stairs. Let's shed some more weight!!!


  1. Good for you bro. One day at a time ... follow the steps one day, one hour, one minute, one second at a time. Live it. Love it.

  2. Thanks - It was good to see you on Friday even though it was only for a few minutes. Maybe I can come up there for a few days in March and see you. I miss spending time with you - besides I need you to show me some weight training stuff.
