Friday, April 2, 2010

Back on Track with the Buddy System

I know - it's been a few weeks since I posted, but sometimes life gets in the way. Our topic this week was about having a buddy. I'd like to tell everyone about some of my buddies in my journey.

First - Lisa my wife is my buddy. She is my support system at home. She encourages me and sometimes gives me a good swift kick in the butt! She is the love of my life and one of the reasons I am taking this journey.

Second - Philip. My brother in Ft. Worth is venturing along his own journey. We encourage each other and challenge each other and are a good support system for each other. I know that I couldn't do this without him.

Third - Dawn. She is fast becoming a great friend. We sit next to each other at my WW meetings and bounce ideas off of each other. We communicate each week via email just to check in and see how things are going. We spend time talking about our ups and downs and successes and journeys.

Fourth - My friends at school. I couldn't do what I do without this group of friends. They are my support system while at work and help me stay honest with myself.

Fifth - Lee. Lee's my neighbor across the street and a good friend. We ride our bikes together and he challenges me to try harder and his sarcasm is a great motivator. I know that if I'm not doing what I should be doing I can rely on Lee to get me back in line.

These are some of my buddies that help shape my life. I could not do this without them. Thank you to all of you who help me along my journey.

To all my readers out there - who's YOUR buddy???

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